Most likely than not your cash flow is low or you have the money and you want to keep it. So what do you do with your budget? You cut it and go with 10x10 or 10x20 space instead of the 30x40 space rented last year; if you didn’t use a exhibit rental you can always look into refurbishing your 30x40 trade show booth to accommodate your 10x20 space. Or you can purchase a new portable display or modular exhibit and make it feel like a custom display.
What Exhibé Corporation in San Diego , California is taking their Portable line and customizing every Pop-up Display to be as unique as their clients. Break away from the main stream Pop-ups and customize your display with Exhibé Corporation. They are a custom and portable exhibit house meaning that they have the capability to incorporate custom products with their run of the mill portable line making a hybrid of custom meets portable. Trade shows are still a great way to get noticed and a custom portable may be just right for someone with half the budget they had from last year.